The system is configured with a 500 µL syringe pump, a 500 µL holding coil and a “Lab-on-valve” manifold (LOV) mounted on a six-port multi-position valve. The flow-cell of the LOV is equipped with 600 µm ID quartz fiber optic probes oriented at a 90° angle, each forming a 1.6mm diameter cylindrical flow cell, and a third probe in line with the light source. The light source is a 470 nm Cree X lamp providing light for fluorescence excitation. The output of the light source is filtered with a 500 nm short pass filter. The vertically oriented probe is connected to a PMT for the detection of fluorescence emission. A 520 nm ±15 nm band pass filter is placed between the collection fiber and the PMT to reject scattered excitation light. The absorbance of beads is monitored by the horizontal probe using an Ocean Optics spectrophotometer.

Instrument Configuration for
BI-Based Fluorescence